Jammu also known as Duggar Pradesh famous for its Dogra warriors, picturesque locations and local cuisine. Jammu region has a bunch full of vegetarian specialties. The traditional food specialties include (local names) Ambal, Kulth dal, Dal patt, Maa da Madra, Rajma, Auriya, Mhaani, Keur, Babbru/Pathoru, Kheer, Guchhi, Kalaari, Rote, Kalah Mathiyaan, Suchiyan, Chille, Chiroliyan, Dhropras, Gulra and many more to name. Some of these are prepared on special occasions, weddings, festivals while some are cooked on a daily basis. Pickles typical of Jammu are made of Kasrod, Girgle, Mango with saunf, Zimikand, Tiyaoo, Seyoo, and Potatoes. Some of the specialties... Auriya: a dish made with potatoes in curd fermented by rye (mustard). Ambal: made from pumpkin, jaggery and tamarind. Mitha path (sweetened rice): rice sweetened by jaggery syrup. Keur: a famous food of Dogras prepared by flour and butter and served with sugar and ...